Books Galore and More!



​At Earth Haven Learning Centre, we strive to educate our audience on sustainable farming along with gardening tips and techniques. Our goal is to provide our followers with the resources they need to better understand the environment of their farm or garden. We are not separate from nature, but rather a deep and integral part of it. This is why we, at Earth Haven Learning Centre, provide content that allows us, and our readers, to grow with integrity and to learn how to farm, garden and live consciously.

This means learning how to properly sense our surroundings, as well as how to grow within them. We must learn how to listen, see, touch and experience our ecological environment in a healthy and sustainable way!

Interested in learning more? Explore Our Book Library online to discover the selection of books we have concerning:

Earth Haven Learning Centre is also the publisher of the Celestial Planting Calendar.  This is an annual publication that provides detailed references for the best times to plant, harvest or work with your plants according to the four categories of root, leaf, flower and fruit.  These key times are based on the cycles of the Sun, Moon, Planets and Star Constellations.

Order your copy of our Celestial Planting Calendar today and learn how to plant and harvest using the rhythms of the Sun, Moon and stars!

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